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8th EBAME Workshop on Computational

Microbial Ecogenomics

October 23 - November 3 , 2023 in Brest - France
Faculty and teaching assistants

Andrea Telatin is a bioinformatics researcher at the Earlham Institute (UK) within the Gut Microbes and Health Institute Strategic Programme (GMH), providing support and training for metagenomics and microbiome-related analyses.

Antonio Fernandez-Guerra is an assistant professor at the Globe institute in Copenhaguen (Denmark). Antonio has worked on ecological implications of the uncharacterized functional fraction of microbial genomes and metagenomes. He is now developing new computational approaches for paleogenomics.

Chris Quince.
Microbiomics Group Leader at the Earlham institute (IK). Chris develops novel algorithms and statistics for resolving microbial species and strains from metagenomics data.

Christophe Blanchet is at the french bioinformatics institute and is providing support with virtual machine design for the EBAME course.

Clemence Frioux is a junior researcher at INRIA in Bordeaux. She is developing advanced computational methods to explore microbial metabolism in environmental samples.

Damien Eveillard. Professor at the Department of Computer Science, Universite de Nantes (France). His research topic concerns systems biology and development of new computational approaches for biological modeling. His recent interests focus on metabolic modeling of genome-scale microbial ecosystems.

Eric Pelletier is senior researcher at CEA / Genoscope. He uses environmental genomics approaches to study genes, organisms and communities structures and functions and their relatioships with environment. He works on Tara Oceans project, focusing mainly on microbial eukaryote plankton

Evelien  Adriaenssens is a group leader et the Quadram Institutes (UK), working as

a molecular and computational microbiologist with a passion for everything viral.

Florian Trigodet is a a postdoctoral researcher in the Ecosystem Data Science group in Oldenburg. Florian is a microbiologist by training, and as a postdoctoral researcher he is using advanced computational strategies to make sense of the microbial ecology of complex habitats.

Gaetan Benoit is a compuational biologist at INRIA Rennes. He is develping new  assemblers to integrate multiple data sources for genome recovery from metagenomes.

Iva Veseli. Iva is a postdoctoral researcher in Meren Lab at .
She is a computer scientist and biologist who leverages computational methods to study microbial metabolism in environmental metagenomes. Iva is an active developper of Anvio.

Martial Marbouty is a CNRS researcher in the Lab  Spatial Regulation of Genomes , Institut Pasteur (Paris, France). Martial is working on human microbiome and is mainly interested in studying phages-bacteria relationships. He has actively participated in the development of techniques aiming at improving genome annotations, assembly and metagenomic analysis using DNA collisions frequencies as a marker of cellular compartment.

Martin Sikora is an Associate Professor at the Section for Geogenetics of the Globe Institute (Denmark) where he uses ancient DNA sequencing for Human population genetics and microbial evolution.

Rob James is a post-doctoral researcher at the Quadram Institute of Bioscience (UK). His main research focus is elucidating the evolution and selective drivers of antibiotic resistance in complex ecosystems by using a range of molecular techniques such as qPCR and long-read sequencing

Samuel Chaffron is a CNRS researcher at Nantes University (Fr) and is using ecological networks to study complex microbial assemblages in marine environments

Sebastien Raguideau is a Post doctoral researcher at the Earlham Institute (UK) and part of Chris Quince group. His main interest is devising ad hoc bioinformatic pipeline and tools related to exploration of meta-omics datasets. He has been working on various subjects such as AMR, fiber degradation and syntrophy.

Tom Delmont is a CNRS researcher at the GENOSCOPE (fr) exploring the plankton genomic diversity to better understand the ecology and evolution of co-occurring bacterial, eukaryotic and viral lineages abundant in the surface of the oceans. Tom takes advantage of deeply sequenced metagenomes and metatranscriptomes generated by the Tara Oceans consortium, transforming raw reads into manually curated metagenome-assembled genomes and determining their biogeography, functional potential and evolution.

Teaching assistants

Blandine Trouche - INRAE Post-doc

Damien Courtine -  U. Auvergne
Research sceintist

Jolann Pommellec -  U. Brest PhD student

Hanna Pye - Quadram Institute Research scientist.

Hugo Dore - U Brest Postdoctoral researcher

Administrative assistant

Stephanie Renard
U. Brest

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